child-like behaviour and a lack of self-respect
my name is jordan, people also know me as johnny, and this here is my vent twitter account. i am 18 years old, white, gay, and otherkin. i use any or all pronouns - just use it or they if you're feeling indecisive. please don't default to she for me. this account is for mutuals of my main only. if i softblock you it's nothing personal, this place can just sometimes feel a little crowded.

i'm a cocsa survivor and really mentally ill. specific diagnoses can be accessed here. i talk... a lot about ableism, and my brain problems, and sometimes get really overemotional. if things are ever too intense on this here account, you can softblock or unfollow any time it's no skin off my back. please ask before replying to any tweets i make about sexual trauma. if you can, liking my tweets when you see 'em makes me feel a little better (i need a lotta attention, what can i say)

voted number 1 reverse ableist. putting the "ho" is "psychopathic" since 2012. certified sad teen. living breathing manic pixie dream girl trope.